What is Microdermabrasion and How Does it Work?
Microdermabrasion can help remove fine lines and dull skin appearance and will have you leaving Dr. Mayer's office with your skin feeling immediately smooth and rejuvenated! You can also now used Microdermabrasion in conjunction with chemical peels and often a series of just six of these two procedures can give you a whole new skin appearance!
Microdermabrasion is a simple, painless, non-invasive cosmetic skin rejuvenation procedure that uses a mechanical medium for exfoliation. It gently removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis by using a fine abrasive tip or crystals and vacuum suction applied to the skin.
It may be performed to help diminish the appearance of superficial hyperpigmentation, and photo-damage resulting from UV radiation, as well as diminish fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and shallow acne scars.